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YogArt and Story Telling

Colour Yoga studio at Menteng Central Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 78-80, Menteng Central, Jakarta

This is the time to tell you a story of Si Gajah dan Si Semut. Let Ms. Azila and Ms. Imelda guide you through an unforgettable journey with stories, yoga, and fun art and craft activities!

IDR 250

Releasing Lower Back Tension with Iyengar Yoga

Colour Yoga studio at Menteng Central Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 78-80, Menteng Central, Jakarta

Are you struggling with lower back pain? Join this seminar and learn proven Iyengar Yoga techniques to relieve discomfort, improve posture, and build strength for lasting relief. Presented by Dr. Marliana Sri Rejeki, Sp.FK, and Kharis Taukhid, a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher. The moderator is Imelda Tirtadiredja.Apakah Anda mengalami nyeri punggung bawah? Bergabunglah dengan seminar ini dan pelajari teknik Iyengar Yoga yang terbukti untuk meredakan…

IDR 250


Colour Yoga studio at Menteng Central Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 78-80, Menteng Central, Jakarta

This is the time to tell you a story of "Manusia Kecil Pengatir Hujan". Let Ms. Azila and Ms. Imelda guide you through an unforgettable journey with stories, yoga, and fun art and craft activities!

IDR 250